Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Club LIbby Lu Girls' Spa Party Kit for 8!

I bought these when the CLUB LIBBY LU company was going out of business, because my 8 year old always wanted to have one of their parties and we never had the chance! Imagine my surprise when they sent me way more than I expected.

I'm selling what's left, and all of it is BRAND NEW, and UNOPENED. I only unwrapped the one tote to take the picture.

  • 8 pink and clear Totes with 1 jar and 2 bottles inside - fill with other items or your own
  • 8 bottles of scented glitter hair spray
  • 1 gallon of grape foot scrub (use at the party and send some home with each girl!)
  • 1 gallon of fruity scented body lotion (also use at the party and send some home with each girl!)
  • Approx. 5 pounds of silver glitter!

See pics below. Please contact me thru Thanks!


  1. If you are a child born anywhere between 2000 and 2009 then you would have joined a party at Club Libby Lu. It is a chain of sparkly and pink-and-purple wonderlands where cute girls can spend time.

  2. Hello is this still available and where? Also what brand is the hairspray?
